Thursday, November 1, 2007

More About

I was going to do a review of the new web site for creating a family scrapbook but it's already been done so well by some of my fellow genea-bloggers that I'm inclined not to do it again. Instead, I'll just supply the links to their well written articles.

Randy wrote, Using AncestryPress to Create a Book, and Using AncestryPress to make a book - Post 2.0.

Kimberly Powell wrote, Ancestry Press: A First Look.

Personally, I was pretty impressed with what you were able to do on the site. But there weren't enough options for adding your own backgrounds, changing colors, etc. to suit me. I'm a little more creative than the site allows for. Still, if you don't want to invest in learning software (Photoshop Elements 6.0) and finding just the right kit to use for your purposes, this could be a good option.

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